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►Want to learn the piano? Heres the quickest and easiest way: \r\r----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
My version of His Theme from Undertale. Never heard of this game before somebody requested I do some of the music from it, I gave it a listen and loved it....
Beginner? Try this free iTunes App: *\rMy digital piano: *\rWebsite: \rSupport me on Patreon: \rFacebook: \rTwitter: \rBuy My Music: \rDonate: \r\rPianoPrinceOf...
THANKS FOR ~100 SUBSCRIBERS!!\rDoing an undertale genocide run sure takes a DETERMINED soul. But if you choose the dark road.. youre gonna have a bad time.\r\rP...
► Beginner? Try this free iTunes App: \r► Learn piano songs quick and easy: \r► Support me on Patreon: \r► Facebook: \r► Twitter: \r► Make Requests:...